Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day of Work

Today was the first day of work at the AAAN. Well not counting last weeks staff meeting, today was the first day of work work. That being said I still am in the same spot that I was probably about a month ago. Excited for what is to happen...but with no idea regarding what is happening, what has happened, and what is expected of me. Question regarding my position are met with blank stares and a lot of run around but in a way I suppose that is good in a way. No one breathing down my neck or trying to hover over me and control who I am contacting and what I am doing. At the same time however I feel like my entire position is one giant question mark. I don't know what I should be doing, sitting around the space for five hours everyday researching places I could possibly present at doesn't seem like the best use of my time but perhaps that is the only thing that can be done this early in the year, I hope as things pick up I will find myself doing more. Otherwise things are a bit rutty...trying to sort out personal problems and also getting anxious about my life in Chicago. Things are quiet...too quiet. I had grown accustom to life in a college town, always busy, or at least the ability to make myself busy. Had at least one or two people that I could waste the night with, but here I have yet to find that. Its hard to meet people in a city of 3 million, especially when any good encounters you have are never repeated. Things changed so fast over the past month and now seem to have settled into a place where I work until 3 in the afternoon and then spend the rest of my night around the apartment. Perhaps I can be more proactive about it, perhaps I can look into what the happenings around Chicago are at night, perhaps I could be better about trying to find things going on or places I could visit. Maybe that is just it, perhaps just a little mental rut that I need to get over by getting out and being proactive about doing things. Anyways if the weather stays nice this week perhaps I will check out some museums around town, and try to hit up some places that may help with my AAAN job. Here's to things getting better, cuz they cant stay bad forever...right?

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